Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Intelligence is the ability to understand and respond quickly in all aspects of life, such as physically, emotionally, and mentally. Howard Gardner said there are nine types of intelligence and they are naturalist intelligence, musical intelligence, logical mathematical intelligence, existential intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, bodily kinesthetic intelligence, linguistic intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence and spatial intelligence. logical mathematical, linguistic and musical intelligence are the most important types of intelligence so, I'm going to explain these three types.

First, logical mathematical intelligence is the ability to calculate, consider ideas and to do complete mathematical operations. This intelligence usually well developed in mathematicians, scientists and detectives. Physicists, computer programmers and business executives, such as accountants, are examples of logical mathematically intelligent people.
Second, naturalist intelligence is the human ability to make difference among living things (plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configuration).

Finally, musical intelligence is the ability to enjoy, discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone.. The musical intelligence is more difficult to relate to writing than the others are, especially when you consider that tone of voice is not included in the province of the musical intelligence.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Hacking computer is the ability to reach to specific system by illegal way because of many lacunas in the security system. (William, 2006).

Then the hackers can move, delete and add files or programs. Also they can control the operating systems to give the orders such as printing, photography and storage.

A small group of them commit computer crime and watch your files, steal or destroy your system and watch what you are doing on the internet.

1. Unprofessional hackers.
Should have specific file call Patch or Trojan in victim’s computer.

2. Professional hackers.
Can hack your computer without any file in victim’s computer.

Causes of hacking computer:

1.Political motivated and military.
2.Commercial motivation.
3.Individual motivation.

  1. Hack the server for company or government.

  2. Hack personal computer.

  3. Exposure the data.

Effects of hacking computer:

  1. Change the main page for specific website.

  2. Know password.

  3. Taking revenge.

  4. Destroy computer.

1.Design perfect operation system.
2.Close as much as possible for open ports.
3.Do not install programs from unknown website.
4.Do not open strange messages in your e-mail.
5.Use Anti-Virus program.
6.Change password time to time.
7.Use programs to protect your computer from hackers and viruses. e.g. hckdown 2000,janmer.

There is no operating system without ports and there is no system not contain lacuna and there is no system that can not hacker breaking in (Computer Security, 2003).

South Asian Expatriate Workers in Oman in 2005

People in Oman including "citizens and foreigners" think that the number of expatriate workers, South Asian workers, employed in the private sector in Oman had fallen in the last five years due to the Omanisation campaign. They also think that more than 100.000 expatriate workers left their jobs in less than five years. But the truth, according to governmental information, is totally different. The governmental statistics reveal that the number of the expatriate workers had increased in most of the privet sector activities.

1. The number of the expatriate workers:

A yearly report published by the Ministry of Manpower in Oman shows that the number of expatriate workers is still increasing during the last five years (2000-2005). According to this report, the total number of expatriates whom were working in the private sector in Oman with valid work permits during the year 2005 was about 604497 workers against 494699 workers in the year 2000.

2.The reasons of the increase in this number:

2.1. The increase in the number of factories and companies:

"This increase of the total number of the expatriate workers in Oman during the last five years is because many reasons" a senior governmental official said. The first reason is that the number of companies and factories in Oman is increasing very fast. It had increased more and more than what we were expecting since the year 2000 up to the year 2005. As a result, the working field needs more workers, technicians, vocational workers and experts.

2.2.The decrease in the Omani workers:
The number of the human power that the working field needs is more than what the Omanisation campaign can cover" he said.
2.3. The expatriates can take another job in Oman after two years:
Another reason of this increase as the senior said is that Oman is considering doing away with a rule stipulating that expatriate workers must leave the country for a period of two years before they can take up another job in the country. One more reason is that most Omanies youth have not got the required training and experience to apply for jobs.

3. The level of education of the expatriate workers in Oman:

Governmental statistics before the year2000 reveal that about 21% of the expatriate workers in Oman are illiterate and more than 59% finished their elementary school only. More than 20% of these workers had got just their preparatory education and about 10% had completed their secondary education. According to the same information, about 3% of the expatriate workers in the country had got their upper school diploma and 3.3% had got their BA degree.

These statistics show that most South Asian expatriate workers in Oman before the beginning of the 21 century were uneducated and unskilled workers. Most of them did not do training in any job before they come to the country. Most of them learnt the job while they where doing it.
From the year 2000 until 2005, Oman government was working very hard to decrease the number of uneducated expatriate workers in the country. The government put many rules to do so and worked very hard to make sure that these rules are applied and never been broken. In fact, the government achieved the goal.

According to the Ministry of Manpower, during the last five years (2000-2005) the number of illiterate expatriate workers had decreased sharply as a result of the Omanaisaion policies. On the other hand, there was a sharp increase in the number of educated expatriate workers.